【乳癌を克服して】私は M 10-8を摂らせてせて頂く前は、とても胃も弱くて生野菜や、デザートなども胃にもたれて、パーテイに行っても後の胃の調子が心配で本当に長年、美味しいものをエンジョイできませんでした。
その事は、以前に鈴木先生にもお話させて頂ましたが、この通り仕事を引退し、限られた年金生活をしておりますので、余り沢山購入できないのですが、 M 10-8(S.S.)は毎日欠かさず1~2錠をここ数年摂って参りました。
M 10-8 キトサンを続けることによって、今はこんなに元気に楽しい毎日になり、私の髪の毛がふえた事と毎朝の一杯のコーヒーの何と美味しく、こんなに健康を取り戻せた事を心から有り難く感謝いたしております。
I am a resident of Fremont City in State of California, born November 21, 1926 (73 years old). It was in January 1996 when I was first introduced to Chitin-Chitosan through a local grocery store, who lended to me a VCR tape. The tape was almost one and an half hour playing length and the content is about Chitin-Chitosan covering chemical compositions and referring to effect to human health etc, well organized orientation. But in fact, I was not quite ready until I met Dr. Suzuki, who visited Bay Area few months later in early May 1996 for seminar. Then I became more thoroughly aware of the fact that it does good to human health, especially to do with cancer.
I was then recuperating from major surgery on my colon system to remove the very early stage colon cancer from left side colon system. I started dosing Chitin-Chitosan immediately; eight pills a day-4 pills in the morning 4 afternoon.
Therefore, it is almost 3 years since I began dosing Chitin-Chitosan. I had my colon system checked out by specialist twice since then in November 1996 and November 1997. In both times, the doctor declared that the colon system was very clear, no polyp. I am now taking two doses a day, two pills (Chitin-Chitosan SS) in early morning about 4:00 AM before breakfast while my stomach is empty with a full glass of water and another 2 pills at about 4:00 PM afternoon before dinner to make sure that Chitosan effect is maximized.
Since 1996 when Chitin-Chitosan was for the first time introduced into my body system, significant effect has been noticed in speedy recovery for bodily fatigue after heavy physical exercise or work. Body condition is quickly restored by taking brief rest; napping or resting. I noticed also that the effect of Chitosan is doubled while you are taking light exercise at daily base such as walking machine, weight lifting, and body bending exercise etc, at local town gym facility. Generally, I would like to recommend the followings to persons who are interested in Chitosan:
1.Better take doses when you stomach is empty with a tall glass of water e.g. before meal in order to make sure that Chitosan pills are fully dissolved and Chitosan essence is completely absorbed into body system, therefore its effcect can be maximized.
2.Light daily exercise is highly recommendable in conjunction of dosing Chitosan. While metabolism of human body by taking exercise is highly enhanced, Chitosan effect can be as well elevated.
3.Heavy drinking, smoking, drug taking, excessive physical abuse of body muscles etc. should be avoided, as these will work in lessening Chitosan effect.
Repeating above process on daily base, the effect of Chitosan shall soon begin to show in improvement in human health index; such as lowering blood pressure and cholesterol level, which will in turn be greatly contributing to improvement of health.
現在は、M10-8 S・Sを2錠づつ服用しています。早朝4時、朝食前、胃が空っぽの時にコップ一杯の浄水とともに摂り、そして午後4時、夕食前に同じく2錠摂るわけです。こうすることによって、私はキトサンの効果は最大限に活かされると信じているのです。