【前立腺癌が癒える】Dr. Suzuki:
I am 81 years old. My wife has been using your products for over 2 years and has always said that I should be using too. At first I was in doubt as to the effect supplements could help me as my primary problem is related to cancer.
About one year ago my wife finally convinced me to make an appointment to discuss my problem with you. At that time my PSA blood count was 14.0, a very high and dangerous level. During our conversation you recommended that I take Chitosan 10-8 SS and Saw Palmetto. I started that program immediately and continue to use every day.
I am delighted to report that my PSA count has dropped to 0.04, a very significant change. I am thankful to you for your advice and the results of using your precuts, as well as to my wife for insisting that I come to see you.
* I started that program immediately and continue to use every day.
I had started taking M10-8(S.S.) 3 tablets 3 times a day for 6 months, 2X3 for a month and now 2x2 for 3 months.