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Price $106.40

Chitosan is a dietary fiber extracted from crab or shrimp shells using enzymatic degradation. Chitosan adsorbs hazardous substances such as dioxins, pesticides, chlorine and viruses, heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and aluminum. Chitosan excretes them outside the body, resulting in detoxifying the body.

For the below symptoms:

Normalization of High blood pressure, Decrease in elevated Cholesterol and Triglycerides, Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Rheumatism, Bronchitis, Colitis, Cystitis, Kidney and Liver disease, Diabetes, Eczema, Gastritis, Herpes, Hemorrhoids, Senility, Leukemia, Prostatic Hyperplasia, Intestinal polyp, Tumor, Dermatologic disease (e.g., Spot, Acne), Overweight, Obesity.


Take 3 Caps twice a day, morning and evening after meals or Take 2 Caps 3 times a day, morning, lunch and evening after meals (total 6 Caps per day.)


M10-8 SS Chitosan Complex is made with high-quality water-soluble Chitosan from Norway and Chitosan Oligosaccharides made from the Chitosan. In Norway, where marine resources are abundant, government operates Chitosan factories. The Norwegian Chitosan is considered as the top quality in the world. There, many research data are published about Chitosan as very useful substance for immune system enhancer and possible cancer treatment. In addition to immune system enhancer, Chitosan prevents or slows aging processes, metabolic syndrome, helps coping with chronic fatigue, and removes environmental and pharmaceutical toxins from our body.

Chitosan Oligosaccharides:

Besides Chitosan and Chitosan Oligosaccharides, M10-8 SS Chitosan Complex provides numbers of valuable antioxidant properties, which protect our body from many harmful substances within our body and from our environment. According to the data provided by the TOHOKU College of Pharmacy and the HOKKAIDO UNIV. Medical School, Chitosan Oligosaccharides shows excellent results in preventing cancers from spreading. Cancer cells metastasize by traveling through the blood stream from the original cancer site.  They find an appropriate place to settle, attach themselves to cell receptors and begin growing into a new colony. Chitosan Oligosaccharides, however, has much a greater affinity towards the cell receptors than cancer cells. Chitosan Oligosaccharides preempts the cell receptors before the cancer cells can.  Therefore, the primary cancer cells cannot spread anywhere and starve to death.


M10-8 Chitosan Complex includes generous amount of Lysozyme. Lysozyme exists in our cells, where it attacks and destroys foreign invaders such as flu virus.

Carnitine, Glutathione, CoQ10, and Alpha Lipoic Acid:

Carnitine, Glutathione, CoQ10, and Alpha Lipoic Acid are the important elements for cells’ metabolism; they are necessary for fat combustion inside of mitochondria (energy producing organelle in our body cells). Fats accumulate inside of mitochondria if not burnt. It is important to have sufficient levels of these elements in our body to prevent health risks such as heart disease, liver disease, chronic fatigue, and metabolic syndrome. Among these elements, Glutathione functions as powerful antioxidant against oxidation in the brain, the heart, the immunity cells, the kidneys, and the skins. Moreover, Glutathione is the powerful element which kills cancer cells and recovers oxidative-damaged cells caused by aging processes. It also helps recovering fatty acid metabolism in diabetes, supporting alcohol metabolism in fatty livers, and preventing artery damages caused by heart bypass surgeries. According to American Journal of Cardiology, Glutathione reduces blood triglyceride levels, contributes to weight loss, enhances exercise performances, and benefits muscular and neurological functions in Alzheimer’s patients.

Maitake (Beta D-1 Glucan):

M10-8 SS also has Maitake mushroom power, or Beta D-1 Glucan, which fight against bacteria, virus, and Candida. Burdock root, together with vitamin E, strengthens our immune system and prevents cancer cell growth.

Astragalus, Poud’arco, Hawthorn Berry and Lycopene:

Astragalus is also included, and currently, it is the most powerful anti-cancer agent. Poud’arco, as well as Propolis (concentrated form), from South America have been used to cure all sorts of health problems. The heart-protective hawthorn berry, and Lycopene from tomatoes function as very powerful antioxidant elements.

S.O.D and Catalase Enzyme:

Other notable ingredients in M10-8 SS are S.O.D. (Superoxide Dismutase) and Catalase enzyme. S.O.D. protects our body cells from free radical damages. Catalase enzyme destroys and removes free-radical damaged cells from our system.


In order to maximize the health benefit M10-8 SS, has added Astaxanthin, carotenoid  derived from salmon, shrimp and Lobster, the antioxidant activity of astaxanthin is 10 times stronger than other carotenoids tested(e.g., Lutein, beta-carotene) and 100 times greater than those of Vitamin E. These properties include improvements in cardiovascular health, diabetic nephropathy, muscle endurance, eye fatigue, pylori, skin, fat metabolism, stress and immune function.

Chitosan (90%)Proprietary Blend: 3180 mg
Chitosan Oligosaccharide
Lactobacillus w/Bifidus
Acetyl L-Carnitine HCI
Astragalus Root Powder
Lysozyme HCI
Maitake Mushroom Powder
Pau'D Arco Bark
Hawthorne Berry Powder
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Coenzyme Q10
Superoxide Dismutase
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